Cleaning Services

N Moyo Consulting And Facilities Management is a corporate member of the British Institute of Cleaning (BICSc) and all the cleaning services we provide are based upon their exacting standards. We have gained the status of Approved Training Organisation (ATO) and deliver BICSc accredited training and assessment of cleaning operatives from our Livingston training academy. Our cleaning professionals receive training in our Livingstone-based ‘Skill Suite’ as part of their learning and development program: guaranteeing a high level of service delivery.

All cleaning staff is trained in the following BICSc Mandatory Skills modules in order to receive their BICSc qualification:
cleaning services

• Chemical Competence
• Safe Assembly of Equipment
• Storage of Equipment and Materials

Investment in plant and equipment is recognised by N Moyo Consulting And Facilities Management as vital to ensuring we offer the most effective and efficient service. As a matter of course N Moyo Consulting And Facilities Management ensure the latest plant and equipment are available to our cleaning teams, including up-to-date scrubber-dryers, buffers, vacuuming equipment, and a selection of hand-operated tools designed to provide effective cleaning; reduce risk and environmental impact; and take the strain out of cleaning for our employees, clients, and service users. All plant and equipment are maintained and assessed annually in line with the manufacturer’s written instructions and good industry practice to ensure continued suitability.

We directly employ all of our cleaning team members (inclusive of cleaning team leaders and supervisors) who report to local soft services or operations managers who engage in flexible working practices to ensure service standards are maintained. Our cleaning employees are a mixture of directly recruited employees and employers who have been transferred to N Moyo Consulting And Facilities Management in accordance with TUPE Regulations.

Our cleaning services can be delivered via three service delivery streams:
• Input specifications where each activity, location, and frequency of operation are detailed;
• Output specifications where we scope and provide the cleaning service to match the desired specification and standards or;
• Ad-hoc cleaning where we provide labour, plant, and equipment and take direct instruction and act in accordance with the wishes of our clients.